Dale Glading's Blog

A Spirit of Delusion Has Descended Upon America

Monday, December 11, 2023

Comments: 1

“Horror vacui” or "natura abhorret vacuum" means “nature abhors a vacuum.” That basic law of physics was first postulated by Aristotle around 350 B.C. According to the Greek philosopher, when such a vacuum exists, matter is drawn to it like moths to a flame.

The same goes for faith… or lack thereof. When people refuse to believe in God – despite the fact that nature itself points to His existence (see Romans 1:18-20) – they naturally turn to someone or something else to fill that void. And, in doing so, they paint themselves into a theological and scientific corner, allowing themselves to be deceived and deluded into believing some of the most preposterous lies ever propagated by man… or by Satan himself.

Yes, my friends, a spirit of delusion has descended upon America and most of the western world.
There is simply no other way to explain why supposedly learned men and women believe that there are more than two genders, that gender identity is fluid, and that a person not only has the right but also the capacity to change their biological sex at will.

And it doesn’t stop there. Academics with more degrees than common sense or common decency see nothing wrong with men parading around in women’s clothes… or using ladies restrooms… or competing in sports against biological women… or reading storybooks in drag to preschoolers.

Perhaps this self-deception traces back to Charles Darwin and the HMS Beagle. Returning from an expedition to the Galapagos Islands in 1836, Darwin set about developing a theory to explain the vast assortment of creatures he encountered on his five-year voyage. In 1859, he published The Origin of Species and within 75 years, his convoluted and unsubstantiated hypothesis that man evolved from apes became accepted scientific “fact.”

No longer did academics accept the biblical truth that God spoke the world into existence (see Genesis 1:1-31). Instead, they latched onto a preposterous and unprovable lie that a single-cell organism, over eons of time, evolved into a fish…which in turn morphed into a reptile… which in turn became a bird or a mammal or a monkey or a human being.

Today, scientists haughtily proclaim – and with a straight face, no less – that the world came into existence 13.787 billion years ago… give or take 0.020 billion years. Really? I don’t remember seeing any news footage of the event.

However, what I do see is man willingly and arrogantly rejecting God’s account of creation, which is strange in that He was the only eyewitness. But then again, if you have chosen to reject God’s existence, it logically follows that you must reject His simple explanation of how the universe was created. Likewise, you are forced to reject all other biblical doctrine including Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created him.”
From there, it isn’t much of a stretch to convince oneself that there is no absolute moral truth, no heaven or hell, and no afterlife whatsoever. In this warped ego-centric world, man is the center of the universe, and he calls the shots. Not only that, but the sky is the limit as we evolve into evermore perfect beings.

Forget the fact that there were more wars and war-related deaths in the 20th century than any previous century and that the 21st century is on pace to break that reprehensible record. And ignore the inconvenient truth that all males have XY chromosomes, and all females have XX chromosomes… and that "gender reassignment" surgery can't change that basic biological bromide. While you’re at, cook the climate books to convince the uneducated masses that doomsday is rapidly approaching and that climate change – not nuclear war – is the biggest existential threat to humanity.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, sea levels have risen by a whopping 8-9 inches since 1880. At that rate, by the year 5,000 or so, I may be sitting on some very valuable oceanfront property. Likewise, global temperatures have increased by roughly 2-degrees Fahrenheit (1-degree Celsius) over the same timeframe, leading climatologists to claim that we are on the verge of worldwide incineration.

These days, scientists who want funding, professors who want tenure, and politicians who want to be re-elected all agree: the sky is falling!

Sadly, we have become a nation of Chicken Littles… all because we refuse to take God at His Word.

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  1. Richard Pine Richard Pine Agree wholeheartedly. And slowly but surely the wok crowd is changing our language and the majority is going right along with it.
    I hate when even the Conservatives use the term transgender, there is no such thing as transgender. Tuesday, December 12, 2023
