A Preview of Sleepy Joe's SOTU Address
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
I just received an advance copy of President Biden’s State of the Union Address and here are some of the highlights (or lowlights)…
Yes, gasoline, propane, and home heating oil prices are through the roof… but it’s not my fault.
Yes, my energy policies compromised our national security by forcing us to purchase oil from our enemies like Russia and Iran… but it’s not my fault.
Yes, my energy policies further imperiled the safety of America and the rest of the world by emboldening and enriching Vladimir Putin and Russia… but it’s not my fault.
Yes, we lost precious American lives and abandoned hundreds of U.S. citizens, thousands of our allies, and billions in high-tech weapons in Afghanistan… but it’s not my fault.
Yes, inflation is at a 40-year high… but it’s not my fault.
Yes, crime and murder rates are also at record highs... but it’s not my fault.
Yes, our southern border closely resembles Swiss cheese as hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants cross over each month… but it’s not my fault.
Yes, grocery store shelves are emptying due to supply chain issues and trucker protests over vaccine mandates… but it’s not my fault.
Yes, more than 500,000 Americans have died from COVID since I became President… but it’s not my fault.
Yes, the stock market continues to tank and seniors are seeing their retirement accounts depleted… but it’s not my fault.
The good news is that we now have hundreds of millions of “free” KN95 masks and COVID testing kits… just in time for the end of the pandemic. I say “free”, but they were actually purchased with taxpayers’ dollars… but again, that’s not my fault.
I would mention lots of other good news, but there isn’t any… and of course, that’s not my fault either. Besides, it’s way past my bedtime.
Nighty, night, America!