10 Things to Be Thankful for as an American
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
In 1789, President George Washington declared Thursday, November 24th to be “a day of public thanksgiving” for the people of the United States. Every president since then – with the exception of Thomas Jefferson who refused and Andrew Jackson who forgot – has called for a National Day of Thanksgiving in November. And so, following in that great American tradition, here are some of the people, places, and things for which I am most grateful as a citizen of our constitutional republic.
1. Our Founding Fathers. We tend to gloss over the sacrifices these great men made when they declared independence from Great Britain, the world’s foremost military power at the time. By pledging their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor, these 56 men placed a bounty on their own heads in the pursuit of liberty. Hats off to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John and Sam Adams, John Hancock, and the other 50 brave and courageous men of conviction who signed the Declaration of Independence.
2. The Constitution. Never before in human history was a founding document so well-crafted and constructed by men of immense intellect and integrity. Thank you, James Madison and company!
3. The Bill of Rights. I am grateful that men like Patrick Henry, George Mason, and the aforementioned Madison held firm in their belief that a Bill of Rights should precede or be included in the body of the Constitution. Without such limitations on the federal government, we might not enjoy such present-day freedoms as the right to speak our minds, practice our religion, assemble in protest, or bear arms.
4. Our military and veterans. Believing in ideals such as freedom and liberty is one thing. Being willing to put your life on the line to protect and preserve them is another. We are forever indebted to the men and women who have worn the uniform of the United States in the various branches of our Armed Forces.
5. Our geography. Yes, it is true that some of the United States was acquired through theft, broken treaties, or other questionable tactics. But historical context aside, the beauty of the American landscape is unparalleled in the world... as are our abundant natural resources. God has truly blessed America from sea to shining sea.
6. E pluribus unum. Whereas I celebrate America’s diversity, I also cherish the common bonds that join us together. I pray that we never forget that our national motto means “out of many… one.”
7. Our rich spiritual heritage. The United States has done more to evangelize the world than any country in history. We have also provided more humanitarian aid to suffering people across the globe than anyone else. America has experienced two Great Awakenings, the first in the 1700’s and the second in the 1800s, and we desperately need a fresh visitation from God. As Ronald Reagan reminded us, “America will cease to be great when it ceases to be good.”
8. Our rich cultural heritage. Jazz, the Blues, R & B, Rock ‘n Roll, Country, and Gospel are just some of the musical genres to which America has given birth… and the world is a better place for it. After all, Frank Sinatra was born in Hoboken, NJ.
9. Our healthcare system. Sure, there is a lot of room for improvement and healthcare costs are through the roof. But having spent time overseas in a third-world country, I have learned to appreciate our access to quality medical care that is the envy of most other nations.
10. Our farmers. How can you celebrate Thanksgiving… and enjoy a robust holiday meal… without acknowledging the men and women who grow our food, milk our cows, raise our beef, and stock our supermarkets. My full belly says, “thank you” and “God bless you.”